Ban List

Banlist Overview - Total Bans: 3

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MOD/Country Date Player Length
MOD Unknown Country 2015-07-11 00:22:47
2 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player [FR]violent
Steam ID STEAM_1:0:10649398
Steam3 ID [U:1:21298796]
Steam Community 76561197981564524
Invoked on 2015-07-11 00:22:47
Banlength 2 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin Admin deleted.
Expires on 2015-07-25 00:22:47
Reason Team killing
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3  (search)
Blocked (1) violent[FR]
MOD Unknown Country 2015-05-10 22:49:14
1 wk (Expired)
Ban Details
Player [FR]violent
Steam ID STEAM_1:0:10649398
Steam3 ID [U:1:21298796]
Steam Community 76561197981564524
Invoked on 2015-05-10 22:49:14
Banlength 1 wk (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin Admin deleted.
Expires on 2015-05-17 22:49:14
Reason Admin disrespect and teamkill all in one. I told the team to type !kill to respawn with 50hp so that when event starts, they will get another 50hp. Violent said 'dont type kill noob'. I slaped him for that and as I was going to ask him to not be disrespectful he shot me down and killed me. He then mocked me and said 'slap me until dead please' and I told him he would receive a ban. He just said 'thank you' and left.
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3  (search)
Blocked (7) violent[FR], violent[FR], violent[FR], violent[FR], violent[FR], violent[FR], violent[FR]
MOD Unknown Country 2010-10-12 19:12:21
2 hr (Expired)
Ban Details
Player [FR]violent[FR]
Steam ID STEAM_1:0:10649398
Steam3 ID [U:1:21298796]
Steam Community 76561197981564524
Invoked on 2010-10-12 19:12:21
Banlength 2 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin Admin deleted.
Expires on 2010-10-12 21:12:21
Reason Watch your Fire next Time: Votebanned
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 3  (search)
Blocked (1) violent[FR]
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